My Spiritual Wanderings and Wonderings

February 2025

  • Trust the Way You Pray


    My Uncle Chappie, when I visited him in the elegant diocesan hop for the elderly, had a packet of holy cards…

  • I Want Him Back


    My brother Charles and his wife Toby had children from high school to not yet in school.  The youngest was Michael. Charles…

  • Charlie’s Hope and His Children


    A father who is a friend of mine wants his children to go to Mass on Sundays. Charlie (I’ll call him)…

  • NOTE: History and the Hail Mary


    Its hard to believe how much history we run through when we say the Hail Mary. It began some thousand years…

  • Good on Getting Old


    It’s February and all the pretty white stuff on the ground keeps me inside and liable to reflect. I’m well past…

  • Note: The World We Live In


    Given AI, jet travel, always new antibiotics, and cell phones, we might think that because of all of this, human beings…