My Spiritual Wanderings and Wonderings

March 2025

  • Feast of St. Joseph


    Today is St. Joseph’s feast day and so a special day to the Joseph who writes this.  I’m also glad that…

  • What’s Important Now


    The current powers around the world do not speak truth or even  seem to think truth.  We do not belong to…

  • Looking Directly at Who


    I sat in the chapel yesterday evening. Suddenly, the sun was streaming directly in my eyes.  “I cannot look at you”…

  • Politics in the Spirit


    This blog might seem a little political but that’s because any comments, in any nation, about what’s real in everyday life is,…

  • Everything Human


    Everything human is approximate. That’s a principle we need to keep in mind and in prayer. So, when St. Paul says…

  • Laetare/Rejoice Sunday


    Laetare Sunday, Rejoice Sunday—I suppose because we’re half-way through Lent, which used to call for “giving things up” and maybe fasting…