March 2025
Feast of St. Joseph
Today is St. Joseph’s feast day and so a special day to the Joseph who writes this. I’m also glad that…
What’s Important Now
The current powers around the world do not speak truth or even seem to think truth. We do not belong to…
Looking Directly at Who
I sat in the chapel yesterday evening. Suddenly, the sun was streaming directly in my eyes. “I cannot look at you”…
Politics in the Spirit
This blog might seem a little political but that’s because any comments, in any nation, about what’s real in everyday life is,…
Everything Human
Everything human is approximate. That’s a principle we need to keep in mind and in prayer. So, when St. Paul says…
Laetare/Rejoice Sunday
Laetare Sunday, Rejoice Sunday—I suppose because we’re half-way through Lent, which used to call for “giving things up” and maybe fasting…