My Spiritual Wanderings and Wonderings

Jesus Preaches the Kingdom

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What might it have been like?  Maybe like a dean announcing that every graduate who took the LSAT to get into a law school had excelled. Or like a mother announcing to her big brood that she’s PG again and they will have a little sister/brother soon.  Well, Jesus did something much, much bigger.

To cite here the Amplified Bible’s rather enthusiastic translation of Matthew 4:23-25: And He went throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the good news (gospel) of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness among the people  (which surely demonstrated and revealed that He was the promised Redeemer).  

Anyhow, when Jesus first began announcing, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news, He was aware of being the Good News. (Mark 1:14-15). Now we have to keep mindful that He, Jesus, is still what makes the kingdom of God come near. He, Jesus, had to keep that at the front of His own human mind.

Now think what it was like for Jesus to be able to take a little child with rickets into His arms and when He put the child down, she could run around like the other children. Think of giving the man born blind sight by running your thumbs with spit on them across his eyes – and the first thing the man ever sees is the face of Jesus of Nazareth.  Or, finally, think of the woman who had serious bleeding problems. She reached past others to touch His cloak and instantly she knew she was healed.

No telling what diseases He met in this Galilee of the gentiles, but He healed whoever wanted to be healed, and encouraged some others (Matt.4:15). And with His Holy Spirit, He tells us, too: The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.

Galilee Area in the Time of Jesus – Bible History

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