Here is one way to approach our personal relationships with the Lord Jesus. See if it makes sense to you.
We are made in the image and likeness of God. When we think about that, we want to remember what has been revealed to us about God: God has existed forever as Three Persons, whom we are told to call Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are also told that in God, each of these Persons is always thinking of the other Persons.
This is a lot to keep in mind but we do well to make the effort. For we learn a lot about ourselves. We learn that as persons, we are created to be conscious of the others around us, beginning with parents and siblings but then maturing into an ability to be attentive and caring for all those near us.
For the lesson is clear: I am most myself, a person like the Persons in God, when I am thinking about others. Now we can see clearly the great difference between the disciples of Christ and those who have not yet heard of Him or have heard and not cared.
We have accepted Jesus Christ as our Redeemer. He was always thinking of those the Father put into His life. And He was ready to respond promptly to a request for help. Think of the Centurion’s little servant and the ten lepers.
And think of this: with all the other billions of people, we believe that Jesus Christ is ready at my right hand when I call on Him. Why not now?