My Spiritual Wanderings and Wonderings


As I turned 94, I finished editing the last pages of a final book (it’s Becoming the Easter People). After I sent it off, I wondered how to do a blog. I asked a savvy Jesuit down the hall who said he didn’t know but would find out. Learning everything about the gizzards of a blog, he taught me the basics (as much as I would ever comprehend) and so this page came to be. The blogs that are here will be either about spirituality–Ignatian of course–or about some experience that motivated it or was powered by it. Candidly, as I faced a blog, I felt the way I think the earliest Jesuits felt when they reached the shores of Mozambique or Japan and disembarked wondering what they faced and why they had traveled to this new shore. That’s it: I know why I’m here: its to keep sharing the love of Jesus and working to spread His kingdom. But this is a strange shore and we’ll have to see what comes up on it. Meanwhile, I hope the folks back home are praying for us.

Fr. Joseph (Joe) Tetlow, SJ