Persons in God’s Image
Here is one way to approach our personal relationships with the Lord Jesus. See if it makes sense to you. We…
Jesus Preaches the Kingdom
What might it have been like? Maybe like a dean announcing that every graduate who took the LSAT to get into…
The Feast at Cana
Three things huddle below the surface of this event. First of all is what made the Lady Mary pointedly call her…
Trust the Way You Pray
My Uncle Chappie, when I visited him in the elegant diocesan hop for the elderly, had a packet of holy cards…
Charlie’s Hope and His Children
A father who is a friend of mine wants his children to go to Mass on Sundays. Charlie (I’ll call him)…
Good on Getting Old
It’s February and all the pretty white stuff on the ground keeps me inside and liable to reflect. I’m well past…