My Spiritual Wanderings and Wonderings


  • Persons in God’s Image


    Here is one way to approach our personal relationships with the Lord Jesus. See if it makes sense to you. We…

  • Jesus Preaches the Kingdom


    What might it have been like?  Maybe like a dean announcing that every graduate who took the LSAT to get into…

  • The Feast at Cana


    Three things huddle below the surface of this event. First of all is what made the Lady Mary pointedly call her…

  • Trust the Way You Pray


    My Uncle Chappie, when I visited him in the elegant diocesan hop for the elderly, had a packet of holy cards…

  • Charlie’s Hope and His Children


    A father who is a friend of mine wants his children to go to Mass on Sundays. Charlie (I’ll call him)…

  • Good on Getting Old


    It’s February and all the pretty white stuff on the ground keeps me inside and liable to reflect. I’m well past…