My Spiritual Wanderings and Wonderings


  • Everything Human


    Everything human is approximate. That’s a principle we need to keep in mind and in prayer. So, when St. Paul says…

  • Ashes to Ashes, for a While


    Ash Wednesday  puts  a cross on our foreheads. This morning, the whole Jesuit retirement community was at Mass, and a lot…

  • Synodality’s Jesuit Roots


    Synodality is the name this pope has given the process he hopes (and has made some rules about it) will shape…

  • Jesus Is Transformed


    Jesus had a premonition or a inspiration that he was to take His closest friends and go up to a high…

  • NOTE: History and the Hail Mary


    Its hard to believe how much history we run through when we say the Hail Mary. It began some thousand years…

  • Note: The World We Live In


    Given AI, jet travel, always new antibiotics, and cell phones, we might think that because of all of this, human beings…