My Spiritual Wanderings and Wonderings

Changing hard hearts

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The wedding was in Cana in Galilee.  Jesus’ mother was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding, though the hosts may not have anticipated how many disciples would come and empty their wine jars early in the celebration. Jesus seems not to have noticed what they had done, but His mother noticed and she taught Him another lesson, in the offhanded and slantwise way she taught Him everything so He’d be able to make of it what He would make of it. So she just said: They have no more wine (Jn.2:3).

Jesus did what His mother knew He could do, which shows that Jesus was docile even when he was a mature man.  Both Jesus and His mother were of a mind to keep the marrying couple from embarrassment, but Jesus had a mind of His own, too, and what He did shows that, because He not only filled six great water jars with wine, but He made it the best wine served at the celebration, which excited the disciples so much that they believed in Him—right now, clear only that He had powers beyond what they knew about, but not yet that His powers showed that the One to Come had indeed come and He was it.

And now we know a lot more about the One to Come and that He did wonders far beyond just changing water to wine because He changed tough-willed sinners into loving saints, now including some of us.  And maybe we’d better be ready to listen for what His mother thinks.

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