The Big Bang theory proposes that our whole universe began from a little hot dot. That magnificent mathematical suggestion was made by Georges Henri Joseph Édouard Lemaître, a Belgian priest who had first been taught mathematics by Jesuits. He proposed and proved what he called the “hypothesis of the primeval atom,” which expanded in an unimaginable explosion to begin the universe.
That was more than thirteen billion years ago, scientists think. But they are certain that the universe began in one hot dot and is still expanding. That much we know. And we cannot see the end of it.
From the first humans, we have overestimated our wisdom and power. So the original humans tried to take over how life would evolve. That original sin marred every human begin born into this world. It seems very long ago, though it wasn’t in the long, long age of God’s splendid universe.
All of that gives us some parallels to an event that happened, pretty recently in time, just a couple thousand years ago. Then, a beautiful and devout young Jewish woman was praying in what we know as the Holy Land when an angel appeared to her. The angel told her that, if she would agree, Almighty God world create life in her womb and she would be the mother of the Redeemer of Israel and of all humankind. Happily, she said Yes to God’s wish and the Son of God came to be in our matter and movement and time.
In her womb then was the One who would physically and spiritually begin a new time in our human evolution. Now the baptized who remain faithful invisibly surround the earth with those who have followed the Redeemer into eternal love and joy—as each of us will do soon.