My Spiritual Wanderings and Wonderings

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  • The Errors of Finding in the Temple

    We all know the story about Jesus when He was twelve years old, remaining in the Temple when both of His parents spent a whole day on the way home to Nazareth. That was a longa walk – maybe ninety miles—and the first day would have been tiring. The men and the women who had…

  • Just ‘The Presentation’

    Luke’s Gospel tells us this: When the time came for the purification rites required by the Law of Moses, Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord (Lk.2: 22). So the overlap of Purification and Presentation began very early. The purification rites were for the Lady Mary.  During the 40…

  • No Mass on Sundays

    LorSomething or maybe my Guardian Angel nudged me as I knelt down to say my night prayers.  We used to make a novena to Christ the King for freedom of religion in tough countries. We don’t do novenas any more like our grandparents, who also said the “Morning Offering” and “Bless us O Lord” before…

  • Snow Angels and Purgatory

    Evaristo Mapruanga SJ, a Jesuit brother from Zimbabwe, had never seen snow.  So when he came in 1989 to my program in Texas for his final Jesuit training, I found this out and The Cheerful Charlie Jesuit Annual Hiking Corps (at that time me and Donald Gelpi SJ, R.I.P.) felt we could correct that. Evaristo…

  • Passionate Indifference

    When St. Ignatius tells us (in the Principle and Foundation) to live “indifferent to all created things.” it might sound like an insult to our passionately loving Creator, who made the sun and the moon and all the peoples, for his great love endures forever (Ps.136:5).   Anyhow, “indifference” is the way too many people actually…

  • Where Are My Flowers

    WHERE ARE MY FLOWERS It might have been May when the Day Lilies were flourishing up in Audubon Park.  I might have been eleven, which would make Charlie nine, Mulry eight, and John L. seven. It was a Saturday towards the end of the school year, when all of us were in Our Lady of…

  • I Brought You Here

    St. Ignatius Hall in Black Jack (well, across the street from Florissant) Missouri, holds about sixty elderly or infirm Jesuits and a healthy Jesuit staff, and this is where I will live and depart when the Lord calls. After a few months here a year and a half ago, I sat praying early in the…

  • Wake Up Dead

    When I was growing up before the Second Vatican Council, one of the prayers I heard regularly in church was the prayer “For a Good Death.” I remember saying it, myself, when I was in grade school. That seems a century ago. Now, the prayer I say regularly is this: “Lord, grant that I may sleep peacefully…

  • From Sunday Mass to Daily Prayer

    We hear a lot about how Sunday Mass attendance was strong before The Second Vatican Council. Now it’s easy to be discouraged about the Church because so many do not go to Sunday Mass.  But instead of fretting about that, I have found it encouraging to reflect on people doing spiritual exercises and praying every…

  • Three: The Nativity

    Herod the Great had died some years before Joseph took Mary into his home. There had been uprisings back then, and the Roman legion had taken Sepphoris, the city in Galilee nearly as large as Jerusalem, burned it to the ground, destroyed stone buildings, and sold all the people into slavery. Then Herod had died…