The current powers around the world do not speak truth or even seem to think truth. We do not belong to them.
We belong, instead, to the God of gods, the infinite, all-powerful One who I created and is still creating the us. God our Creator has infinite power, but that is not what is most intimate about our God.
What is most intimate about God is this: the Person in God is always thinking of the Other. The Father of the Son and the Spiritt; the Son of the Spirit and Father; the Spirit of the Father and the Son. Our God is love.
Now it is our joy that as persons, we have been created in God’s image and likeness. Utterly unable to imagine ourselves, we have been told by God that we, too, made up most intimately of love—the love that is God’s and now is ours.
Oit is ours because God has come into our flesh and showed us how to love as God love. Greater love than this, no one has, than to lay down his life for his friendss (Jn.15:13). And as though to make sure that we now understand what Jesus said, He added: I no longer call you servants. . . I have called you friends (Jn 15:15).
why Jesus insisted that His disciples get this: ur part is to accept this gift of love. Then, , knowing God and trusting how God is creating us, we can trust ourselves and our lives, alone and together.
This is what is important now. And it will be important forever.